Who We Are

You don’t need me to tell you that life is hard AF sometimes. But maybe you do need me to tell you that you can do this. You really can, and yoga can help.

I recently entered my 30’s. The past ten years have been one tragedy after another, some self imposed and others simply life taking it’s way with me. The more I share my story with others, the more I realize I am not alone. Despite the façade the outside world sometimes sees, we all struggle; we all have grief, sorrow, big decisions, poor choices and everything else weighing us down one way or another. BUT, something that is so freaking incredible about community, is that we get the chance to share both or tribulations and our joys, achievements, love, and power with each other.

The goal of Effectively Wild Yoga is to build a community in the town that I live that spreads positivity, chooses joy, and grows love in every situation through the transformative practice of yoga. No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve done or where you have yet to go, I believe in you. I believe in your power, I believe in your strength, I believe that you are love and can live your life to it’s fullest, exactly as you are, where you are right now. I believe this about you, because I am training myself to believe this about me by slowing down, tuning in, and listening to my inner wisdom with the asanas (postures), pranayama (breathwork), and meditation that make up the practice of yoga both on and off the mat.

So when I say “join me”, I truly mean join me on this journey. I’m on it every day, doing my best to choose my authentic self over others’ expectations of me, to give space to my emotions so I may better understand my behavior, and to spread kindness in a world that is so desperate for goodness. I welcome you, and believe in you, and human to human, I truly do love you. ALL are welcome here, because we all have something powerful to give to this world, and it would be an absolute honor to share this space with you.

The light and the darkness within me honors, cherishes, and loves the light and the darkness within you.

